Simplify the operation of Connections

Reduce administration, content management and user management efforts with CAT
CAT Toolkit

TIMETOACT's Connections Administration Toolkit (CAT) has been on the market since 2010 and started with support for Connections 2.5 (then IBM Connections, now HCL Connections). HCL Connections, available both cloud-based and on prem, opens up enterprise-wide communications with communities, activities, blogs, wikis and forums, file sharing, collaborative document editing and more, all together in one integrated solution.

The CAT Toolkit is in use worldwide with more than 800,000 licenses. Companies of all sizes and industries with HCL Connections use the tool to simplify HCL Connections operations in terms of administration, user management and content management. Companies include, for example, retail business associations, banks, counties, energy service providers, IT companies, specialty chemical manufacturers, and industrial technology.<

CAT simplifies administration, content management and user management of HCL Connections

CAT is a web application that can also be used on mobile devices. Originally developed to simplify administration, more advanced versions have simplified content management and user management, such as.

  • Copy, merge, import and export selected content
  • Transfer content from users to others
  • Active search for problems

These are the advantages of CAT

With the Connections Administration Toolkit, you get these benefits - improvements and new value

CAT Logo

Easy Connections Administration

  • Connections administrators need less training to complete tasks faster
  • Can be used on the go
  • Reduces complex wsadmin commands to a few clicks


  • Log who changed what
  • RunAs Users: CAT users don't need to know credentials of Connections administrators


First and second level support in your company

  • Reduce waiting times for small day-to-day requests, e.g. a user needs a larger file library
  • Hand over tasks to non-administrators

Content Transfer

  • Copy and merge content within Connections
  • Transfer important content from one Connections system to another
  • Create backup copies of important content
  • Assign files to another owner

Active review of problems

  • User profiles
  • Scheduler (tasks running regularly in Connections, e.g. search index)
  • Orphaned content

Information at a glance

  • How many and which activities / blogs / external users / ... are in Connections?
  • Total content of a user in Connections

CAT details at a glance

Security and Compliance

Detailed log

  • Logs every action with CAT
  • Comments from users

CAT access roles

  • Defines who actually has access to CAT 
  • Filigree J2EE role division to define rights of users:
  • Content related roles
  • Roles for user management
  • Roles for Administration
  • CAT administration role
What CAT can do

Content and Access

  • Copy, merge, delete, restore content
  • Change editor and owner rights
  • Import and export content (NEW: also whole communities)

User Management

  • Search for user profiles with problems
  • Activate, deactivate, delete, synchronize, edit, tag, ... profiles


  • Editing XML files and wsadmin commands
  • Checking the status of the scheduler...
Use Cases

Examples of what tasks you can do with CAT to save time:

  • Create backup of selected communities
  • Merge wikis with the same content
  • Export a community
  • List all externally accessible files
  • Let internal users interact with external users (assign EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED role)
  • Search for profiles with problems
  • Increase storage space of communities
  • Delete (parts of) search index
  • Restore (parts of the) search index
  • Converting external to internal users

Ihre Ansprechpartner

Christian Luxem
Head of Collaboration SolutionsTIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbHContact